In Windows 10, sometimes people get the ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED error on Google Chrome, which signifies that the internet connection or the browser is preventing from loading the page. When Google Chrome is unable to access the network, that is when it shows this error.

Various issues can lead to this error, so that various methods can fix this error. Sometimes, one method doe not work for everyone. So, you must try all the methods to fix this issue carefully and follow all the steps.

Method #1: Don’t use both Ethernet and Wi-Fi on a single device

If you are using both Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections on your computer simultaneously, it might be the reason behind this problem. You may also see the error message saying ‘A network change is detected.’

Besides this, you may also face other issues if you’re using both Ethernet and Wi-Fi together. So, it is advisable to use either just Wi-Fi or Ethernet. To disable one network on your computer, and your problem will be solved.

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Method #2: Don’t use Google’s IPv6 DNS

Sometimes IPv6 version of Google DNS can fix the issues, but it is seen that it has caused issues on the computer of some users. To fix it, you must follow the following steps:

Step 1: At first, press Windows key +X, and then select Network Connections.

Step 2: Further, select Change adaptor options. As soon as the Network Connection window opens, right-click on your current connection and select Properties.

Step 3: Let’s move ahead. Now select Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) and then click Properties.

Step 4: The properties window opens up. Now, select Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically and then click the OK button to save changes.

This method will solve your problem, and you can visit any website without error.

Method #3: Check your PC for Malware

If you’re facing this error, then there might be some malware infection in your computer. To fix this issue, you have to do the full scanning of your computer. There are many antiviruses available nowadays that you can install and use to do the full scanning of your PC. Antivirus will provide great protection to your computer.

Method #4: Remove or Reinstall your VPN Software

Some people use VPN software to protect their privacy online, but sometimes it can interfere with google chrome and cause the error. So, it is advisable to remove VPN Software if it is present on your computer and check if the issue is resolved. If it fixes your issue, you can reinstall the software and can check if the error appears again.

Method #5: Try Other Browsers

You must try some other browser if you’re getting an ‘a network change was detected’ error on Google Chrome. If the same issue error message comes on other browsers, then there is a possibility that your network configuration is wrong or that your network adaptor driver is outdated.

Method #6: Disable Energy Efficient Ethernet feature

Sometimes, when your device doesn’t support the energy-efficient ethernet feature, it can cause various problems. And it can cause this issue as well. So, you can disable the feature by the following steps:

Step 1: At first, open Device Manager.

Step 2: Further, double click on the network adaptor after locating it on the list.

Step 3: Let’s move ahead. Now, navigate to the Advanced tab, and from the list of properties, you must select the energy Efficient Ethernet option.

Step 4: Now, you need to set it to Disabled and click OK to save changes.

After following these steps, you must check if this solution resolves the issue.

Method #7: Reinstall your network adaptor driver

Step 1: To open the Device Manager, press Windows key + R, and then you must type “devmgmt. c”. Then press the Enter key.

Step 2: Further, expand the Network Adaptor to find the name of your Network Adaptor.

Step 3: It must be noted that you must make sure to note down the name of your adaptor in case something goes wrong.

Step 4: Now, uninstall your network adaptor by right-clicking on it.

Step 5: On the confirmation dialog box, press YES/OK.

Step 6: Afterwards, restart your computer and try to reconnect to your network.

Step 7: If you’re not able to reconnect to your network, it means that the driver software isn’t automatically installed.

Step 8: In that case, you must download the driver there by visiting the manufacturer’s website.

Step 9: Now it’s time to install your driver. After that, reboot your computer.

Now, after you reinstall the network adaptor, this issue will be resolved.

Method #8: Disable prediction services in Chrome

Sometimes, certain Google features can cause this issue. And the best way to fix this problem is that you must disable these features. To do that, you must follow the following steps:

Step 1: At first, you must open Google Chrome and then navigate to the Setting page.

Step 2: Now, you need to scroll down to the Advanced tab.

Step 3: After you click on the Advanced tab, you will see two ‘Use a prediction service…’ option. It would help if you disabled both of these options.

After you do that, your problem will be resolved. It must be noted that certain websites might load a little bit slower after you disable these features.

Method #9: Reinstall Google Chrome

Sometimes, people get this error message ‘A network change was detected’ on Google Chrome. And you can resolve this issue by simply reinstalling Google Chrome. There are various ways by which you can uninstall chrome, but the best method is to use uninstaller software.

It is best because it can remove any application from your computer and all the leftover files and registry associated with that application. If you use this software, you will be sure that the entire application is completely removed from your computer. Once you uninstall Chrome, you must reinstall it again and check if the error message still appears on the screen.

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Many people face this issue, especially in Windows 10. Go through the above article to find the best-suited solution for your problem. They are the most effective methods to solve the issue of “ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED in Chrome.” If one method does not work, then you can always try the other method. Make sure you follow all the steps carefully to attain the desired result.