How to Fix PS4 Controller Not Charging


The hottest commodity in the gaming scene right now, going like hotcakes, is the PlayStation 4. You know how fun gaming on a PS4 can be if you’ve got one.

Playing video games on the PlayStation 4 with a wireless controller definitely has its merits, like the ease of use and comfort.

However, since you have to charge it periodically, it comes with its disadvantages. What’s more, charging them can be a real hassle when such issues arise.

The reasons why your PS4 controller will not charge can differ from minor to major. These causes may range from minor issues, such as cable problems or dust, to more severe issue.

Since all devices suffer from some kind of a unique problem, there can be several root causes of these issues.

What Causes Your PS4 Controller Not to Charge?

Here are the reasons

  • Error state: The controller of the PS4 could be in an error state that could make its charging mechanism ineffective. This problem is typically resolved by a PS4 cache reset of the controller.
  • Charging cord: The power cord you use is unable to supply the controller with power. This is a very common problem that could have been caused by the USB cable’s excessive and rough use.
  • Charging Port: It is quite possible that the charging port on your PS4 console is damaged and unable to operate efficiently.
  • Batteries: The batteries on your console may have died from prolonged use. There is a bound limit and lifetime of every rechargeable battery.

These PS4 controllers lose their ability to charge via USB after a good layoff for reasons that are not evident and sometimes do not even recognize when the cable is plugged in.

However, there are plenty of other reasons and several different aspects that might cause a malfunction in the charging of the controller.

How to Fix PS4 Controller Not Charging?

If your controller feels totally inoperative, with no lights and no connection, then you will need to make sure that your PS4 controller is actually in an operational condition and not damaged.

To help you get back to gaming quicker, here are a few debugging ideas:

Solution 1: Resetting your PS4 Controller

The PS4 controller normally does not charge due to the controller’s own malfunctions. With the firmware corruption, that prevents it from charging, your controller may have an issue.

So, initially, we strongly advise that you reboot your PS4 controller’s default configuration.

And, if you don’t fully understand how to go about it, here are the things that you need to do.

Step 1: On your controller, find the reset button: it’s a very tiny hole on the back of your controller and under the L2 button.

Step 2: Disconnect the PS4 controller from the console, insert the toothpick or a similar object into the reset hole; push the button; keep it down for a few seconds and release it.

Step 3: Thereafter, connect the controller, boot your PS4 to see if it will take charge or not.

Solution 2: Power Cycling your PS4

If your PS4 controller is in an error state, the PS4 controller will not take charge until the issue is resolved. You can then run the power cycle to rectify this mistake.

Power cycling is the act of fully rebooting the console so that all temporary configurations are erased. Here’s what it requires you to do!

Step 1: Fully turn the PS4 controller and the console off.

Step 2: Disconnect from the console slot, the main power supply cord. Then. After 5-10 minutes, press and hold the PS4 power button for approximately 30 seconds to remove all of the left energy.

Step 3: Connect it back on and, after a while, turn on your console and controller. To see if it is doing the trick, try to attach the controller. If this is still the same, then try the other modifications mentioned below.

Solution 3: Checking your Connecting Wire

Charging cables could also be the culprit causing the PS4 controller to not take charge. So, to ensure that it is not damaged, you need to carefully check the charging cable.

As micro USB is so popular, there’s a high possibility you have more than a few of these cords with you.

To test if your controller is capable of charging, you can choose any high-quality wire. If the shift in the USB cable does the trick, it’s time to swap your USB cable.

Solution 4: Checking PS4 Charging Port

There might also be a fault in the charging ports that hinders the smooth charging operation of the PS4.

A controller would have trouble charging from the PS4 USB ports in a few instances. Instead of the PS4, you can just use the high-quality USB adapter or even a portable USB port on your desktop or laptop.

There could be a problem with the charging port of the PS4 if the device charges when connected to a charger, your phone, or another device.

In such an instance, we recommend getting it checked at a service center through certified professionals.

Solution 5: Replacing PS4 Batteries

If you’ve tried all of the above approaches and still the controller isn’t taking charge, don’t be disappointed.

There seems to be a high likelihood that the controller’s batteries have run their course.

If you use the PS4 controller frequently or for a long time, your controller’s batteries might lose their charge over time and die out.

So, try replacing your new PS4 batteries to see how they work. We recommend replacement with original PS4 batteries to prevent any hardware damage/malfunction.

Note: One of the biggest reasons that the battery drains so quickly and dies out so soon is that while the console is running, the PS4 controller doesn’t turn off automatically. Here’s how that can be changed:

On your PS4, go to Settings > Power Saving Settings > Automatically Turn Off DualShock 4. This is automatically turned off, which means that until the battery dies, your PS4 controller remains on. Set it to 10 minutes instead.

Other options include shutting down after 30 or 60 minutes. This does mean that when you sit back down, you will have to power it back on, but it’s a small price to pay.

This will ensure not only a longer playtime but also protect the battery against constant use and charge cycles.

Solution 6: AC Voltage Measlurement

If your region has voltage fluctuations, it could cause the charging of the controller to malfunction.

It may be likely that the acceptable amount of current and voltage may not be received by your system, so it is better to verify the power rating with the help of a multimeter and wait until the power issue is resolved.

You can contact the electricity department in your area to find out whether there are any fluctuations in the area.

120/240W is the standard power rating. To test AC voltage with a digital multimeter, remember the steps throughout:

Step 1: Switch to x in the dial. m ṽ  is also used in certain digital multimeters (DMMs). Set the range to the highest voltage setting and set the dial to ṽ if the voltage in the circuit is unknown.

Note: In Auto Range mode, most multimeters power up. This selects the measurement range automatically, based on the voltage-current.

Step 2: Plug the black lead into the COM jack first. The red lead would then be inserted into the VΩ jack. Remove the leads in opposite order when done: red then, black.

Step 3: Link the test leads to the circuit: first, black lead, second, red.

Note: There is no polarity in the AC voltage.

Warning: Do not allow the lead ends to touch your fingertips. Do not allow one another to have contact with the tips.

Step 4: Observe what the measurement in the display reads. When done, first remove the red lead, second the black.

Step 5: Verify to see whether the voltage in the voltmeter continuously fluctuates or is very low and below the device’s power level.

Step 6: If the voltage is currently low, this means you will have to wait for the voltage to stabilize or contact your power supplier about this problem.

Solution 7: Check Controller Charging Port

In some instances, since the charging port on the controller is defective and needs repair, the PS4 controller is likely not getting charged.

All you have to do to verify this is to use the same USB cable you used to attach the previous controller to connect another controller to the PS4 charging port and check if the other controller is charging correctly.

The controller itself has an issue with the charging port if the other controller charges well. In this case, you can try to troubleshoot the problem using the steps mentioned above.

If the problem still persists, try contacting Customer Support to ensure the port is replaced or repaired. Else, you might have to replace the controller entirely.

Solution 8: Clean The Charging Port

The ports used by Micro USB are so tiny that it’s still very easy to plug one in, even if the port has dirt, dust, or other pollutants within.

The debris will potentially prevent you from plugging the cable in all the way and seating it correctly in a worst-case scenario.

In other instances, dirty connections actually prevent the transfer of power.To clean out the charging port, use canned air or an electric blower and inspect the inside with a flashlight.

You can try to clean it further if you see any debris, or the controller still refuses to charge, with a tiny tool like a toothpick. Here are the detailed steps and guidelines to clean it properly.

Step 1: Switch the controller off. Be careful not to bump and turn on the power button.

Step 2: Get and carry a can of compressed air, so the nozzle (or straw) is a few inches away from the port.

Step 3: To get some loose material out, use several short bursts.

Step 4: Take a microfiber cloth and clear from around the port any leftover debris.

Step 5: Take a toothpick and wrap it in a thin bit of slightly damp paper towel if there is still anything in there.

Step 6: Use it to clean the inside of the port, very gently. Let sit and dry the controller.

Step 7: Make sure you use a flashlight to completely dry out the controller and then attempt to charge it.

Step 8: Check to see if the problem has been solved by cleaning the port.

Solution 9: Plugging Into a Laptop, PC, Or Portable Power Bank.

In certain situations, the PS4 itself may not be able to sufficiently supply the charge required by the controller, and the PS4 controller is, therefore, unable to charge due to this.

Basically, you can plug it into a power bank, PC or laptop to charge it up because the controller uses a USB style link for charging.

Ensure you attach it to a high-quality device and track it at regular intervals to make sure it’s not getting scorching hot.

Check to see if the controller charges properly once it is connected to the battery.

Solution 10: Remove PS4 from A Hot Surface

Extreme temperatures may also cause charging malfunctions and prevent your device from charging.

Ensure your PS4 controller does not rest on any hot surface and is not getting too hot because of the ambient temperatures.

The sensors are positioned on the backend of the controller and all of its components are connected to the cable, which if put on a hot surface can melt when charging.

So, make sure that your controller is positioned on a surface that is not hot when charging it.

You might also want to give it some time to cool down if the temperature of the device itself is too hot.

Also, ensure that the gaming room is well ventilated and the temperature is not too hot causing it to mess with the charging cycles.

Solution 11: Charge The PS4 Controller Upside Down

Some gamers have claimed that the problem was solved by charging the PS4 controller upside down. Also, many customers have reported the same in many online forums and Reddit threads.

It might be odd, but it’s always worth checking out. Plugin your PS4 remote to do this, position it upside down, and just let it sit.

Solution 12: Buy PS4 charging station

If you’ve tried it all and none of the above methods seem to work, we suggest that you buy a new PS4 charging station.

This power source charges the PS4 Controllers instead of the USB ports through the ports on the bottom.

At a very fair price, you will have an incredible different source to charge the controllers. ($15 to $25) or (500 to 2000 INR in the Indian markets).


The solutions that I mentioned above are tried and tested and will hopefully help you troubleshoot your controller’s problem. Have any of the solutions aided you in any way?

Have you got any other tricks to do that for you? Please let us know and give your valuable feedback. Don’t forget to come back.