Fix Windows Update Error 0x8020034


The error 0x8020034 is displayed on the Windows update pane when an update cannot be installed. This error can also occur if the system files are damaged.

Some other reasons might be – Damaged or malfunctioning hardware, damaged or corrupt software, Computer virus or malware invasion, damaged update components during installation procedure etc.

When trying to update Windows 10, the update might get stuck at 1% and crashes soon after.

The error 0x8020034 is usually displayed when you click on View Installed Update History after this problem. This might recur every time you try to install the new Windows update.

This nuisance can get on the nerves of anyone since it is not limited to any specific version of Windows 10 and is generalized (Users with the latest versions of Windows 10 – versions 1803 and 1903 have also claimed to face this problem).

There have also been complaints from people using various Windows builds.

Some are even claiming that they have been notified with a different code for the error but the same code of 0x8020034 is displayed upon checking the Windows Update History.

Although, Microsoft claims to have fixed this problem, lots of Windows 10 users face this problem where the PC frequently crashes displaying the code and the message – “Update failed to download”.

How To Fix: Windows  Update Error 0x8020034?

The Windows system then slows down a lot to any form of input and the PC goes on to reboot and restart itself.

Luckily, we have a solution which will help you get rid of this problem, once and for all. Let us now go over two of the simplest yet effective ways how you can solve this problem.

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Clear Windows Update Cache/ Distribution folder – The basic process of clearing the Windows Update Cache has worked for many users and can be given a try.

Apparently, it is not possible for Windows to delete and re-download Update data and contents after it has been corrupted or damaged.

Hence, upon clearing the Update cache, Windows will re-download the contents again and try to solve the problem at hand.

To do this, we need to first stop the Windows Update Process –

Step 1 – Tap “Windows+R” to open the dialogue box after which type “services.msc” in the ‘open’ dialogue box and tap OK which displays the services window that includes all the Windows services on your PC.

Step 2 – Search for “Windows Update”, right-click on it, and then on Stop.

Step 3– It is now that we go on to clean the Windows Update temporary cache folder.

Step 4 – Call upon the run dialogue box with “Windows key+R” and type %windir%\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore. Go on to run this by clicking OK. This will guide Windows Explorer in the correct direction.

Step 5 – Delete all the contents in this folder.

Step 6 – Go on and restart the Windows Services, locate the Windows update, and right-click on Start.

This is one of the effective ways to solve the problem. Even if it is not solved then also there is no reason for you to fret because we have got an alternative. Go ahead and give this a try first!

Method  2

Updating via ISO file – In this method, you will be basically creating a Windows 10 bootable media. You will then go on to use this to install the latest edition of Windows 10.

For some weird reason, Windows updates when downloaded via their regular Windows Update client, demonstrate faulty behavior.

This is not seen when the very same updates are downloaded and installed via an ISO file.

However, the disadvantage with this method is that when you are about to install your new ISO file, you will be asked whether you want to keep your previous settings or apps.

You can evade this issue by simply choosing to not retain the old apps and settings.

In case you are in a dilemma of whether to do away with your previous settings or not, we recommend you to put some thought into it before choosing this option.

If you decide upon doing the clean install then do not forget to back up the necessary data you require.

Step 1 – Click and proceed to “Download Tool Now”.

Step 2 – Click on “Use the tool to create installation media (USB, Flash drive, DVD or ISO file)…” and follow the given instructions.

Step 3 – Select the ISO file option which you should be having after you are done.

Step 4 – Scroll to the location where the ISO file has been downloaded.

Step 5 – Right click the Windows 10 ISO file.

Step 6 – Proceed to select Open With and select the File Explorer option.

Step 7 – Double left click on setup.exe and carefully follow the displayed instructions.

Note – Choose “Nothing” (option for a clean install) when asked as choosing the “Keep personal files only” (option to keep personal files, apps and settings) has failed to work for the vast majority of people opting for this option.

Selecting the clean install method has been fruitful to most of the people who downloaded the ISO file to update their Windows 10 settings and that is why we suggest you stick to it.

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The two above mentioned methods should be more than enough to smoothly get over the problem of updating Windows 10 and overcoming the 0x80240034 error.

We chose these two methods since they were the most efficient, hassle-free as well as easy to follow.

More often than not, there are detailed and complex protocols to follow which are involved in the other methods needed to fix this error.

These instructions may lead to unnecessary confusion to someone who is not accustomed to the technical jargon which leads to the unfortunate delaying of the job.

The other methods may also include the downloading of external apps or the use of some other tools for the effective remediation of this problem.

Such hindrances with regard to the operating systems in Windows are common and are easy to get over.

A little bit of composure to follow our instructions and the instructions displayed on the screen is all you need to fix this complication once and for all