How to Fix 0xc1900101 Error in Windows 10


The error code 0xc1900101 which you are having in your Windows 10 occurs with the BSOD which is Blue Screen of Death and it is so much irritating and creates trouble with your task.

Reasons for 0xc1900101 Error

Whenever you are trying to install or update the operating system, you get the error code 0xc1900101 with Blue Screen of Death. There exist a lot of different causal reasons for this error. We have listed below these errors:

There are many reasons for this error code and I’ll just list some of them.

  1. Presence of system file which is corrupted in your Windows.
  2. Improper deleting of the applications or hardware or the Incomplete installation of applications may result in false system files in your Windows.
  3. Outdated operating system or outdated drivers is incompatible with drivers.
  4. Attack of virus or antivirus bin software.
  5. External hardware which is not compatible.

8 Efficient Solutions to Fix 0xc1900101 Error in Windows 10

Here we have some of the solutions for you for solving the error. Try these solutions one by one. Let’s get started with the list of reasons which can trigger the error 0xc1900101. So move to them.

Way 1: Remove All External Devices

In case your computer has a lot of external devices connected with it like a USB flash drive, DVD and digital camera then, in that case, you may notice that the Windows is stuck when you are trying to find out the drivers from Windows. Some of the times, the operating system of external drivers is incompatible with your device.

That’s why you may try to disconnect the external device and can be very helpful to fix this error. So first of all disconnect your external devices which is connected to your PC and then restart your PC for once. Finally, check if unplugging external devices have solved the issue and the error is not showing again. If the error still persists then try our next method.

Way 2: Free up Disk Space

It is for sure that you will have to be a free space of 32 GB in order to download the new update of version 1903 of your Windows 10 of 64 or 32 bit. That’s why if there is no minimum available space to download the update then you will get the error code 0xc1900101 in that condition.

So this error can be fixed by making releasing some space from your hard drive to install the update without error. There exist a lot of solutions to make the storage space free. We have provided you a list of some best and effective ways to free up the storage space from the hard drive.

  1. Extend the system of partition.
  2. Remove the folder Windows.old and some other temporary files.
  3. Off your hibernation.
  4. Uninstall applications that are not in use.
  5. Change the size of virtual memory from Windows 10.
  6. Turn the operating system into a larger HHD or SSD.

These methods will free up space and if you are still having the error code even after this method then go for our next method mentioned below.

Way 3: Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

In case there exists an issue in your hardware then it can trigger the error code 0xc1900101. That’s why you will have to run the Troubleshooter of Windows Update and check if the issue has resolved. Follow the steps mentioned below in order to do so:

Step 1: Select the Settings option present in the Start menu.

Step 2: Now select the option Update & Security present on the settings page.

Step 3: Choose option Troubleshoot then select Hardware and Devices present in the right panel.

Step 4: Select option Run the troubleshooter.

Now keep patience until your device finds out the problems, and in case there exists an issue in your hardware then it will show it on your screen after completion of the scanning process. Then choose the problem and fix it. In case none of the problems detected then move on and try our next method mentioned below.

Way 4: Update or Uninstall Drivers

Some of the times when you update the operating system but the drivers remain updated then it can also trigger the error code 0xc1900101. It happens because the updated operating system is incompatible with the driver which is outdated and if the driver is outdated or damaged then it can also trigger the same error code.

That’s you should update the driver or you can also try to uninstall the driver to get rid of the error 0xc1900101. Follow the steps mentioned below to do so:

Step 1: First of all launch File Explorer then right-click option This PC.

Step 2: Click the option Manage.

Step 3: Select option Device Manager present below the option of System Tools.

Step 4: Right-click option disk device present below Disk Drivers and select option Uninstall device or Update driver.

Tip: In case, you select the option to uninstall the device, then you will have to reinstall it after fixing the error. That’s why we recommend you select an updated driver. Once your all the disk driver gets updated, just restart your device for once. Check if the issue has resolved with this method. In case, the issue still hasn’t solved then go for the next one.

Way 5: Check Disk

The presence of bad sectors on the disk or the corrupted file system then it may trigger the error code 0xc1900101 in your Windows 10. That’s why if you want to fix the error code 0xc1900101 with the help of the Windows Snap-in tool then you must go for the Check Disk which is the best option.

It will scan your file system then it will fix the logically corrupted system file. It will also fix the soft bad sectors and will tick on the bad sectors which are hard which you have to avoid using. Here we have provided you the steps to do so:

Step 1: Put the command cmd in your search box then Cortana and right-click option Command Prompt them to select the option Run as administrator.

Step 2: Put the command chkdsk C: /f /r. (Replace C with the letter of your driver where you have to save the operating system) then hit the Enter key.

Note: In case you notice that the “Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts” in the window of your Command Prompt and press Y key from Keyboard.

Restart and device and check if the error code 0xc1900101 is not visible again. In case if it is visible then it is not the reason which is triggering but an issue and move on to try our next solution mentioned below.

Way 6: Uninstall Non-Microsoft Antivirus Software

In case you are still having the error code 0xc1900101 then it may be possible that the problem is in your antivirus software which is non-Microsoft or is in your device. That’s why you will have to uninstall that antivirus software completely in order to fix the issue and then reinstall the operating system.

Some of the times, you need to remove every file and also the registry entries to fix the issue. The best method to perform this method is to download any specific tool for the removal of antivirus. In case, this method is again not fixing the issue then go for our next method provides below.

Way 7: Upgrade BIOS

If the issue hasn’t solved yet then you can try to upgrade your BIOS to fix the error code 0xc1900101. In case your BIOS is outdated then you will be unable to successfully upgrade the operating system. That’s why you will have to update the BIOS to fix this issue.

Although this is a very complicated step to perform and you can create any of the damage in your device if you did any mistake in the process. So you will have to do it very carefully. You will have to manually check your motherboard to upgrade the BIOS. If still the issue has not resolved then try our last solution of this article. So go for it.

Way 8: Reset This PC

If you have tried every method mentioned above and still the issue hasn’t solved yet then you can try to reset your device. You can make use of the built-in feature Reset this PC of your Windows 10 to save important files. Follow the steps mentioned below to do so:

Step 1: Select option Update & Security from settings page.

Step 2: Select option Recovery then choose Get Started present on the right side.

Step 3: Select an option between Remove everything to reset your PC or Keep my files.

Step 4: Go through the given message then select the Reset option.

“You need to wait for a period of time when the computer is resetting. And you can also try to reinstall your operating system to fix this error.”


You may have a lot of different types of error codes in your Windows 10. One of these error codes is 0xc1900101 which appears with Blue Screen of Death. This is the most irritating and annoying error especially when you have to know the idea of why is it causing and how to fix it.

So we have provided you the causal reasons which can trigger the error and how to fix it. These solutions are best and effective and will surely help you to get rid of the issue. So try out them and find out the best solution which is helpful for you. So Good Luck!