Dev Error 6634 XBox Series X

Dev Error 6634 XBox Series X

There are a lot of bugs in Call of Duty: Warzone, and they can be caused by anything from in-game issues to server problems. Of these, the dev error 6634 is typically seen on Windows machines.

Possible causes of this error include using an outdated graphics card driver or operating system, utilising corrupted game files, or experiencing shader-related problems.

But if you find the perfect solution, you can fix things for good. Thank goodness, we’ve gathered the most reliable methods for resolving the Warzone dev problem.

How To Fix “Dev Error 6634 XBox Series X”

Dev Error 6634 XBox Series X

Start here.

Method 1. Verify Your Requirements for Computers

If you’ve recently started playing Call of Duty: Warzone, or if you’ve installed it on a new computer, you may want to make sure that its system requirements are met.

In general, most high-end gaming computers should have no trouble running the game. However, you should not proceed with any troubleshooting procedures before verifying that Warzone runs well on your PC.

  • Windows 10 or later is required for play, and anything less than a 64-bit version of Windows is incompatible.
  • You need at least 8 GB of RAM and 175 GB of available space on your hard drive.
  • The minimum recommended graphics card for your PC is the Radeon HD 7950 from AMD or the Nvidia GeForce GTX 670 or 1650 from Nvidia.
  • The DirectX Diagnostic Tool’s settings are where you’ll find this information.

To do so, press the Win key in combination with the letter R to bring up the Run dialogue box, then type “dxdiag” into the text field and press the Enter key.

You may check your PC’s requirements under the System Information section of the System tab. The Display 2 tab is where you’ll find information on your display adapter.

Method 2. Replace Your Shaders

A game’s visual quality can be improved with the help of shaders, which are applications players install to render various pixels. Sometimes, they can malfunction and interfere with gameplay, causing the dev error to come up.

According to several gamers, reinstalling all shaders fixed the problem for them. You can try that and check if it also works for you.

So, here’s what you do:

  • Start the game up and go to the Settings menu.
  • When the Settings menu appears, click the Graphics button.
  • Under the Graphics tab, scroll to Restart Shaders Installation.
  • In the confirmation menu, select the Restart option.

Method 3. Transform Your Skins, Operators, and Loadouts

The issue may not be related to your computer at all. Your game may be crashing due to an in-game component, such as a skin or an operator, which causes the developer error 6634.

So, to see if the issue persists after going from Black Ops Cold War to Modern Warfare, try swapping your loadouts and operators.

Additionally, you can deactivate any skins you may have activated and see if that helps fix the issue.

Method 4. Examine Your Virus Scanner

Antivirus software has been known to cause gameplay issues on rare occasions. Games use a lot of system resources, thus security programmes typically terminate them because they are thought to be malicious.

It’s possible that this interference is what’s causing the problem in Call of Duty: Warzone and forcing the game to close unexpectedly.

Therefore, it is recommended that the game be excluded from or marked as safe by your antivirus software. In the future, the programme will no longer cause issues with the game if you take that step.

If it doesn’t fix the problem, try reinstalling your antivirus software.

Final Thoughts

In Warzone, you no longer suffer through the annoyance of having to start again at the beginning of every match. You can prevent future occurrences of this problem by following these steps.

You can avoid this kind of problem altogether by using Auslogics Driver Updater to maintain an always-up-to-date set of drivers, including the graphics card driver.