Gaming Features Aren’t Available For The Windows Desktop

Gaming Features Aren't Available For The Windows Desktop

Be sure that Game Mode, the Game bar, and the Game DVR are all turned on if you can’t access the gaming features in the Windows desktop or file explorer.

Doing so will guarantee that the inactivation of these features isn’t the root of the problem.

The Game bar has evolved into a robust tool overlay. Game mode and the Game bar have been updated in the Windows 10 May 2019 Update, allowing players to perform things like take screenshots, record gameplay footage, view system resource use, interact with friends on Xbox Live, and so on.

Gaming Features Aren't Available For The Windows Desktop

However, not everyone can always access these game options. Check to see if they are turned on for your Windows desktop computer if you can’t access gaming features. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to activate all of Windows 10’s gaming capabilities.

Gaming Features Aren’t Available For The Windows Desktop: Accessing Windows 10’s Game Bar and other Gaming Features

Solution 1. Get the Most Recent Build of Windows 10

Many users may need to upgrade to Windows 10 version 1903 to take use of the updated Game bar. In order to accomplish that, please refer to the instructions below:

Step 1. Press the Windows key + S keyboard shortcut, 2. Enter “update” in the text field.

Step 2. Following window, select Check for updates.

Step 3. Select the “Download and instal now” option. To begin, you should probably hit the Check for updates tab.

Solution 2. Install the Windows Media Pack on Windows 10 KN or N

Step 1. Get the Media Feature Pack update package here.

Step 2. Select “Download” from the menu.

Step 3. Select a 32-bit or 64-bit Windows installation package, then click the Next button.

Step 4. After downloading the installer, simply double-click it to begin the media pack installation.

Solution 3.Turn on the Game Menu

In order to access the Game Bar, you must first have it activated. Follow these prompts to activate the Windows 10 Game Bar:

Step 1. Access the Preferences by clicking the Start button.

Step 2. Go with the Gaming option.

Step 3. Turn on the Game bar’s recording, screenshotting, and streaming options.

Solution 4. Turn on the Game DVR 4

You must also turn on the option to record games while they are being played in the background. Click Captures under the Game bar in Settings, then toggle Record in the background to “on.”

Solution 5. Game Mode

You may optimise your system for gaming by activating a separate setting called “Game Mode.”

Step 1. Navigate to the Settings menu’s Game Mode tab (shown below).

Step 2. Next, activate “Game Mode” by toggling the “Off” switch.

After you’ve set everything up for gaming as described above, use the Windows key plus the letter G to activate the settings. The Game menu can be accessed with that shortcut key. After that, you’ll have complete access to Windows 10’s plethora of gaming enhancements.