Rats! WebGL Hit a Snag Error Fixed


Sometimes, the WebGL content is not compatible with the browser that we are using, or sometimes there is an error in WebGL content. And, you may receive a “Rats! WebGL hit a snag” error. Also, you may receive this error when your browser tries to access WebGL.

What is WebGL?

The full form of WebGL is Web Graphics Library. WebGL is special because it works without any plug-ins or add-ons. It renders interactive 2D and 3D images in any browser that is compatible with it.

How to Fix a “Rats! WebGL Hit a Snag” Error

“Rats! WebGL Hit a Snag” error occurs in the Google Chrome browser and is a graphic render error. Whenever your browser tries to use WebGL, this error message occurs. You will face a problem in anything that makes use of WebGL. Reloading the website or opening any other website will not work either. Here are some simple solutions that you can use to fix this issue.

Method #1: Fix by Resetting Google Chrome Browser

Sometimes the error occurs due to some of the Chrome browser’s Settings, which we can’t figure out. Therefore, you must reset Google Chrome.

Step 1: At first, launch the Google Chrome browser.

Step 2: Further, click on the Customize and control Google Chrome option in the top right corner of the browser

Step 3: Let’s move ahead. You will find the Settings option in the drop-down menu box. It would be best if you pressed that option.

Step 4: Finally, scroll down to find the Reset option. After finding out the reset option, click on it.

Restart the browser and try to reload the website again. If the website with WebGL content reloads without any error, that means the issue is resolved. But if the issue persists, then move to the next solution.

Method #2: Update your Google Chrome

Sometimes, when your browser is not updated, then your browser may become incompatible with WebGL content. So, you must update your browser.

Step 1: At first, you must launch Google Chrome on Windows 10 computer.

Step 2: Further, in the top right corner of the window, click on Customize and control Google Chrome. This option if there has been an update pending for 2 days, orange if the update has been pending for 4 days, red if the update has been pending for 7 days.

Step 3: Let’s move ahead. Now, you must click on Update Google Chrome and then wait for the process to finish.

Step 4: Finally, relaunch the browser.

After you update the browser, you must try loading the error and check if the issue is resolved. It must be noted that if you don’t see the Update Google Chrome option, then you already have the latest version.


Though this error is not very common, many people still face problems fixing the error, which is a very irritating error. When your browser is incompatible with WebGL content on the website, then this error is caused. Many people face this issue. Go through the above article to find the best-suited solution for your problem.

They are the most effective methods to solve “Rats! WebGL hit a snag error”. If one method does not work, then you can always try the other method. Make sure you follow all the steps carefully to attain the desired result.