8 Best Ustream Alternatives To Use In 2024


What real-time video streaming services will consumers and small companies continue to use if Ustream, Inc. quits the market? Finally, IBM announced the acquisition of Ustream for around US$130 million to put an end to speculation.

IBM’s new cloud video services group is expected to benefit from the deal. This new cloud services branch will be led by the former CEO of ClearLeap Inc., Braxton Jarratt, who was bought by IBM in 2015. There are four new acquisitions in the new division: ClearLeap, Cleversafe and Aspera.

With this acquisition, IBM will be able to enhance its cloud-based video offerings for corporate customers. Whether the Ustream service will be discontinued following the acquisition is still up in the air, but in the event that it does, the following list contains various Ustream alternatives. It’s a good stopgap measure.


1. YouTube

If you’re seeking for an alternative live streaming service, you may not think of YouTube, yet this live streaming capability has been available on YouTube since 2011. Following registration, active users will receive a link to publish their programme publicly, which includes all of the necessary information.

Games, news, music and tutorials can be shared with friends and family via this service. With the help of this platform, broadcasters may engage with their audiences, personalise audio and video, monetise their content with advertising, and much more.

2. Livestream LLC

Livestream LLC provides access to live video streams that can be watched or streamed. News, sports, music and conferences from across the world are all available to users in real time. Users can stream live video from their mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, as well as connected cameras, laptops, and desktop computers.

Live streaming can be shared with friends and family by sending a link via Facebook, Twitter, email, or any other social media platform. Users can follow other live broadcasters and get notified when they go live by using an iOS or Android device or a Roku, Inc. set-top box. It is possible to watch the live stream without any restrictions.

3. Twitch

Previously known as Justin, Twitch (Twitch Interactive, Inc.) Twitch has grown into one of the most popular social networking sites for gamers in the globe. More than 100 million people tune in each month to watch and discuss video games on its 1.7 million individual channels. In addition to e-sports teams and players themselves, Twitch also caters to game developers, publishers, media outlets, and other events.

As a result, Twitch has developed mobile apps for iOS and Android that allow users to watch and chat live or at any time. Google’s Chromecast device can also be used to stream live broadcasts from mobile devices to a television. The PlayStation 4, Nvidia Shield, Xbox One, and Xbox 360 are all supported by Twitch for game streaming.

4. BamBuser

Bambuser AB was founded in 2007 in Sweden. It is possible to stream live video from mobile devices using Bambuser’s platform. This transition to business-to-business products and mobile real-time video was made by Bambuser in 2014. Stockholm, Sweden is the headquarters of Bambuser.

From free personal accounts to levels with varied viewing duration and audience ranges as well as player and page customization, it provides several levels of streaming media access to meet diverse user needs. The Bambuser Iris platform, which is available for iOS and Android developers, allows you to broadcast live video into your mobile application.

5. Facebook Live

On December 8th, 2016, Facebook Live was made available to all users. It was first made available to celebrities in order to allow them to broadcast their thoughts on the day’s sporting events to their followers. Live streaming began being rolled out to a larger number of users before the end of the year.

It’s as simple as upgrading your status to use Live. Tap the Update Status button, then tap the Live Video Icon to begin streaming. In addition to selecting who can view your stream, write a brief description of the motion.

Customers can see who’s watching, how many people are coming, and what they’re saying in real time while the video is streaming. Otherwise, Facebook’s algorithm will automatically post the Live video on the user’s timeline.

Facebook users will view videos from friends and prominent figures on their news feed, and if they like the live action, they can hit the subscribe button so that they are notified whenever a new video is broadcast.

6. Periscope

People who are interested in learning about protests and other social events around the world use the Periscope app as a source of real-time information. Streaming live video to other areas of the world and alerting followers as soon as a video goes live are now both possible thanks to Periscope, which is now owned by Twitter, Inc. Viewers can also leave comments and send hearts to live streamers.

When a live broadcast is over, consumers can decide whether or not they want to save the video for later viewing. Periscope is an amazing app for streaming live video at any time and from any location, and it is available for both Apple iOS and Android devices.

7. Meerkats

Meerkat is a mobile app that allows users to stream live video from their smartphones. Connecting their Facebook and Twitter accounts to the service enables users to stream live to their followers whenever they log on. Twitter followers can be streamed straight to via the app. Subscribers will be notified as soon as the user logs on that the live video stream has begun.

There are no replays in this app. The Meerkat library contains programmes that can be played back. Anyone can watch any programme on the Internet with this feature, and viewers will be able to rewind any show. Real-time video streams can be viewed and commented on by viewers. You can even regulate the user’s video feed if necessary. You may download Meerkat on both your iPhone and Android device.

8. Blabby Bebo

Blabby Bebo is a good option if you enjoy listening to others talk. This is most accurately compared to a live chat amongst pals. Up to four individuals can join a split-screen video conference in real time, while the rest of the room can listen in.

This can be a great way to start a discussion among friends or simply a funny way to talk about anything and everything as if others should be included in the discussion. Only the iOS version of Blab is available for download.


In 2024, the eight top alternatives to Ustream are those listed above. These are some of the greatest live-streaming websites from the countless options accessible in the world of online video.