How To Access Steam Screenshot Folder And Find Steam ID


Pressing any hotkey while playing a game in Steam will take a screenshot. F12 is the default key to use when taking a screenshot. Is it possible to locate them? What are the chances of that? Follow this guide to find the Steam Screenshot Folder if you can’t access it.

Accessing the Steam Screenshots

There are two ways to get to the folder you’re looking for. Both of them have been described in detail below.


Method 1: Screenshot Manager

It’s the quickest and most convenient way to locate any screenshots you’ve taken while playing. The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Launch Steam and log in using your Steam account.

Step 2: From the upper left corner, click on “View” from there.

Step 3: The Screenshots option is now available.

Step 4: A new window will open with all of the screenshots you’ve taken displayed in one convenient location. It’s up to you if you want to keep the screenshots in the hard drive folder or permanently erase them by clicking on the Show On Disk option.

Method 2: Obtaining Physical Access to the Screenshot Folder

For each user, there is a separate folder for screenshots on the hard drive where Steam has been installed. This is the default position. If it’s on a different drive than the one you’re using, look for the folder there. However, if it is installed in the default place, then the screenshots folder can be found at the following URL:

Using the file explorer, go to the following location:

C:Program Files (x86)>Steam > userdata > (yourSteamID) > 760 > remote > (app ID) > screenshots (.png files).

To find your Steam ID, how do you do it?

Steam ID is a mystery to the majority of gamers. And that’s where we come in. You can find your Steam ID by following the methods outlined below:

Step 1: The first step is to open the Steam application.

Step 2: In the upper-left corner, select View, and then Settings.

Step 3: Select Interface from the drop-down menu.

Step 4: When the option to display the Steam URL address is checked, the address will be shown in this box. Then save your changes.

Step 5: Click on View Profile on your Steam profile to see your full Steam profile information. Your SteamID is now shown at the end of the URL. As previously said, you may now utilise it to find the images.