How to Fix Bad Pool Header in Windows 10


Whenever you receive the issue Bad Pool header in your Windows 10, it makes you unable to boot the Windows. In order to get rid of this issue, you can try to check or update the driver of windows. The use of software called PAC repair can also be the causal reason of this error. Windows may have a lot of different errors but the Blue Screen of Death called BSoD is a very irritating error.

This error makes you restart your device in a loop so that to prevent potential damage from your device. Sometimes it makes you to unable enter your Windows 10. As you already know that this error BSoD is a very major issue. That’s why we will try to fix this issue in our article.

How to Fix Bad Pool Header in Windows 10

Sometimes, your Windows 10 may have the issue Bad Pool header. We have provided you the solutions which will help you to get rid of this issue. So let’s try out them in order to fix them. Now, let’s get started with the solutions.

Solution 1: Uninstall Dell Sonic Global VPN

VPN software in your device is a very useful software just like Dell Sonic Global VPN is an important VPN of your devices which is provided with Windows 10. It is reported by a lot of users of Windows 10 that the issue BAD_POOL_HEADER BSoD can also be trigger due to this software. In case, your device has this VPN installed in it then we recommend you delete this as your issue will be fixed by doing so.

Solution 2: Remove your Antivirus Software

Our seconds method to fix this issue is to remove your antivirus software. As sometimes, the error of BSoD which is BAD_POOL_HEADER can trigger due to your antivirus software. As reported by a lot of users, Malwarebytes can be the reason of this issue as well. In order to get rid of this issue, we recommend you remove the antivirus software which you are using in your device and then install it again.

Keep in mind that some of the software of antivirus should be deleted completely in order to fix this issue. To uninstall the antivirus, you can make use of any specific uninstallers which is specially made to uninstall the antivirus. In cases you are having the McAfee then you can remove it by making use of MCPR.

AVG contains its own tool which you can use. Most of the companies of antivirus provide you the specific uninstaller which can be directly downloaded from their official website. You can use these antivirus installer for a better experience. Then check if the issue has resolved by doing so.

Solution 3: Reinstall your Wireless Card Drivers

Our next solution is to reinstall your Wireless card drivers. Follow the steps to do so:

Step 1: Press a combination of keys Windows Key + X simultaneously then select Device Manager present in the menu.

Step 2: After the opening of Device Manager right click on the option wireless network adapter then select Uninstall.

Step 3: Uninstall the driver and reinstall your device for once.

The issue BAD_POOL_HEADER can also be trigger due to incompatible or outdated drivers and you can fix this issue by uninstalling and reinstall your wireless network card.

You must always keep your driver updates with the latest version only from the official website of the manufacturer of your network adapter. Download a new update from there.

Updating the Drivers Automatically

It can take a lot of time if you search the drivers manually. That’s we recommend you to perform this method automatically. You can save a lot of time by updating it automatically and can prohibit the probability of any error and keep you device updated with a new version.

You can use any of the updated which you found to be the best which will help you to automatically update the driver and prevent the damage in your device which may be trigger due to installation of any wrong version of driver.

You may aware of the importance of your Graphics card GPU in case you are any photo/video producer, gamer or you perform any of the intensive visual workflows. Presence of any outdated GPU driver in your device can result in any fatal error, lag or massive slowdowns.

Your system is not needs a new updated driver to have in your graphics card. In order to make sure that all the process is going good and to eliminate all issues then you must try to use full driver update assistant which can fix the issue with some clicks.

Follow the steps which are mentioned below to safely update your driver:

Step 1: Download the DriverFix from official website then install it.

Step 2: Then open the DriverFix.

Step 3: Wait until your DriverFix has detected every drivers which are fault.

Step 4: After scanning, it will show every faulty driver having issue, from which choose one which you have to fix.

Step 5: Wait until DriverFix download updated drivers and install it.

Step 6: Restart your device for once o make changes effective.

Check if the issue has resolved by doing so.

Solution 4: Run the BSOD Troubleshooter

If the solution is still not solved then you can try to run the BSOD Troubleshoot to fix the issue. Follow the steps mentioned below the do so:

Step 1: First of all open Settings app then move to the section Update & Security.

Step 2: Click option Troubleshoot present at the ye left of the menu.

Step 3: Choose the BSOD option present at the right panel then choose Run the troubleshooter.

Step 4: Go through the instructions provided on your screen to finish the troubleshooter.

Step 5: In case any of the solutions mentioned above are unable to fix the issue BAD_POOL_HEADER BSOD then try the tools of troubleshooting. You can use a built-in troubleshooter of Windows 10 in order to fix all the issues in your system including BSOD. That’s why it is helpful.

Solution 5: Run the SFC scan

Our next solution which will help you to fix this issue is to run the SFC scan. The SFC scan performs a scan for your system to find out the potential issues and also fix it on the way in case it is possible to fix it. That’s why it is possible that it also can fix the issue BAD_POOL_HEADER BSOD from your device.

Follow the steps mentioned below to perform the SFC scan in your Windows 10:

Step 1: First of all right click the button Start Menu and launch Command Prompt as Admin.

Step 2: Put the below mentioned command and hit the Enter key:


Step 3: Keep patience until the process completes as it may take a little bit time.

Step 4: After finding out the solution, it will applied automatically.

Step 5: Restart your device for once after closing the Command Prompt.

Solution 6: Run DISM

If the other methods are not fixing the issue then our next solution is to run the DISM. It is a tool of troubleshooting that can help you to fix the issue. Follow the steps mentioned below to do so:

Step 1: Right-click on the Start option then launch Command Prompt as admin.

Step 2: Put the command mentioned below and hit the Enter key:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Step 3: Wait for the scanning process to get finished.

Step 4: Restart your device for once and check if the issue has resolved by doing so.

By using Windows Installation media

Step 1: First of all put the media of Windows installation.

Step 2: Right click on option Start menu present in menu then click on Command Prompt as admin.

Step 3: Put the below mentioned command on command line and hit Enter key after each line:

dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

Step 4: Now again put the below mentioned command and hit the Enter key:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth/source:WIM:X:SourcesInstall.wim:1 /LimitAccess

Note: Put the letter of drive mounted with your installation of Windows 10 at the place of X.

Step 5: Once the process gets completed, restart your device for once.

Solution 7: Disable Nvidia Streamer Service

A lot of users receive this issue while using their NVIDIA graphic card. They reported that this error can be fixed by NVIDIA Steamer Service. So our next solution in this list is to Disable the Nvidia Streamer Service. Go through the steps mentioned below in order to do so:

Step 1: First of all press the combination of keys Windows key + R then put command services.msc and hit the Enter key or select OK.

Step 2: After the opening of the Services window, find out Nvidia Streamer Service then double click on that.

Step 3: Now Disable the Startup type them select button Stop. It can make your services stop from starting automatically.

Step 4: Select Apply option then

Click Apply and OK to save changes.

Solution 8: Remove Overclock Settings

The process of Overclocking lets you have the best performance of your hardware by changing its settings and it is an advanced process. Sometimes the overclocking can result in the triggering of an error called BAD_POOL_HEADER BSoD which results in the appearance of this error.

In case you are having this error and your hardware is overclocked. Then in that case you will have to remove the settings of overclocking and it can help you to fix this issue. Then have a look if the issue has resolved by doing so.

Solution 9: Uninstall your Audio Driver

Some users also have this issue which is triggered due to the audio driver and you can get rid of this issue you will have to uninstall the driver which is problematic. It is a simple process to uninstall the driver by using the Device Manager. You can have full detail of it in the above solution. So go for it.

Solution 10: Check your Network Adapter Driver

Our next method in our list is to check the network adapter driver. As reported by a lot of users, this issue can be triggered due to the conflict of the network adapter driver. Some of the users of Netgear have reported that the Realtek PCle is present in their device and it may result in a conflict with driver Netgear.

Most of the users have seen that the error of BSoD has fixed just by removing the driver Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller. Then check if the issue has resolved with this method otherwise if not then go for the next method.

Solutions 11: Disable Fast Startup

In case you are having the issue BAD_POOL_HEADER BSoD then you can disable the Fast Startup to fix it. When you disable the Fast Startup then your device can get a little slow although the error can get fixed by doing so. Our next solution is to disable the Fast startup. Follow the steps mentioned below in order to do so.

Step 1: First of all press the combination of keys Windows key + S then put Power options. Select the Power option present in the menu.

Step 2: After opening Power Options, select option Choose what the power button does.

Step 3: Select option Change settings which is not available currently then go below and Shutdown the section of settings.

Step 4: Untick the option Turn on fast startup which we recommend then select option Save changes.

Step 5: Then check if the issue has resolved.

Solution 12: Check for Faulty Hardware

Another most common causal reason for triggering this issue is faulty hardware and especially if RAM memory. A lot of users have reported that this error can be fixed by replacing the RAM memory. Some of the other components can also trigger this issue and in many cases, it can be fixed by replacing the motherboard or wireless card. Then check if the issue resolved.

 Solution 13: Reset Windows 10

In case, you are still having the issue BAD_POOL_HEADER after trying all the above solutions then our last solution in our list is to reset Windows 10. You must keep in mind that when you reset your Windows 10 then it will make your applications to get deleted which you have to download once again. Follow the steps mentioned below in order to do so:

Step 1: First of all restart your device a few times to reboot it. Then it will enter the Automatic Repair mode.

Step 2: Select option Repair your computer then click Troubleshoot.

Step 3: Choose to option This PC.

Step 4: Click on the option Keep my files then go through the instructions provided on your screen.

In case you are still having the issue then you can go through the same process once again and click on the option Remove everything then select Only the drive where Windows is installed then click option Just remove my files.

Make sure that this step will result in the deletion of all files present in the C partition. This error is very problematic but our solutions will solve them. So good luck.


Windows has become a very popular platform nowadays and no doubt it is an outstanding platform. But sometimes, you may have different kinds of issues in your Windows 10 which makes you unable to perform a specific task on it and that is so much irritating. Some of the users have no idea about that issue and don’t know how to solve it.

That’s why we have provided you this article which contains a list of best and effective solutions which will surely help you to fix them so try them out in order to fix the issue from your Windows 10.